Small Business

Dorchester Bay is here to support your small business.

We can help you plan and launch your small business, access capital, and find tools to grow your business. We support businesses and business owners who reside in Dorchester, Roxbury, Mattapan, Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain, and Roslindale. 

Small Business Support Icon. 2 hands hold up a heart. Economic Development.

Learn about our loans

We offer loans in a range of sizes with flexible payment schedules.

Workforce Development Icon. Person climbing up the stairs. Economic Develpment

Boost your skills

Learn the skills you need to launch and run your business!

Resident and Community Engagement Icon. A person with curly hair and glasses smiles. Economic Development.

Speak with business experts

We’re here to guide you! Our one-on-one services are offered in English, Spanish, and Cape Verdean Kriolu.

Our Impact

in Small Business Loans
$ 0 M+
jobs created and retained
0 +
small businesses receive technical assistance and loan offerings per year
0 +
of businesses are minority owned
0 %
of business owners are women of color
0 %
years of service to thousands of clients
Small Business Administration of Massachusetts logo

Named 2019 SBA Microlending Intermediary of the year

Green Checkerboard Pattern Strip


Our Team

  • Brenda Bobadilla
    Brenda Bobadilla
    Director of Small Business
  • Andrew Agyemang
    Andrew Agyemang
    Senior Loan Officer
  • Nicholas Fernandes
    Nicholas Fernandes
    Lending and Outreach Officer

Certified Community Development Financial Institution

Dorchester Bay is a Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI) certified by the US Treasury, and a Small Business Administration (SBA) Microlender. Our small business work is part of our broader mission to create and sustain wealth and jobs for individuals and families living in Boston, with an emphasis on supporting BIPOC, women, and immigrant business owners.

Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Disclaimer

In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, Dorchester Bay is prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

To submit a complaint of discrimination, contact the Department of the Treasury using one of the following methods:

Brenda Bobadilla
Director of Small Business

As Director of Small Business, Brenda leads the Small Business team in providing clients with loans, grants, and technical assistance. Brenda is bilingual and worked for two small businesses in California before joining Dorchester Bay. Brenda started as in admin here at Dorchester Bay back in 2017 and transitioned into small business in 2018. She attended Cambridge College for her Business Development Certification and also participated in the NALCAB Pete Garcia Community Economic Development Fellowship and got her certificate.

[email protected]

Andrew Agyemang
Senior Loan Officer

Andrew is a credit and finance professional who prides himself on the ability to manage complex credit facilities, ensuring compliance and identifying strategic opportunities that drive business growth. As a Senior Loan Officer, Andrew has worked with numerous small and medium-sized local businesses, helping them access capital and providing technical training. He brings over fifteen years of experience in lending and credit management, specializing in small business lending, commercial credit underwriting, real estate portfolio management, and loan documentation. Andrew holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, and a Master of Business Administration from Curry College in Milton, Massachusetts. Andrew has called the Boston area home for over 27 years and currently lives in Somerville. In his free time, he enjoys traveling both domestically and internationally, photography, the beach, deep-sea fishing and kayaking on the Charles.

[email protected]

Nicholas Fernandes
Lending and Outreach Officer

Nicholas “Nick” Fernandes is a Lending and Outreach Officer with the Small Business team. Nick is a strong believer and proponent of economic empowerment and equity. In his most recent role as an owner/operator of the award-winning JJ’s Caffe in Brockton, MA, Nick has been in the shoes of Dorchester Bay small business clients. At JJ’s, Nick, along with his family strived to create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone, living by the motto “Enter as Strangers, Leave as Friends.”

Nick was born and raised in Brockton, Massachusetts. He is an alumnus of the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and earned his MBA from Babson College.

Nick brings this vision of servant leadership to Dorchester Bay EDC. He loves to help people and their businesses grow and flourish.

[email protected]
(617) 533-9571
