
An Interview with Jaypix Belmer

Photo Credit: Gary Friedman

As Dorchester Bay EDC celebrates our 45th anniversary this year, we will take this opportunity to spotlight and honor the leaders who have played pivotal roles in shaping our organization, and those who are helping to write our future. Today we’re sharing an interview with community leader and artist Jaypix! You can find out more about Jaypix here: Jaypixworx.

1. Could you share a little bit about yourself and your work?

My name is Jaypix Belmer. I am a non-binary African American, who works primarily in Photography & Design. I am also an artist and educator. I was born & raised in Boston, MA and developed a purpose and excitement for community and civic engagement. It’s important that individuals have a voice and that we as a people can preserve our journey and celebrate ourselves and legacies.

My photography brings light to my community, LGBTQ communities, and other historically or currently excluded communities. Photography is my passion and I have a commitment to storytelling through documentation. My photography work involves local and national commercial projects based around anthropology, amplifying the artist identity & honoring environmental assets through archiving and exhibition to build vibrant livable neighborhoods.

2. How long have you lived in Upham’s Corner?

I have lived in Upham’s Corner since 2000.

3. What do you love about Upham’s Corner?

I am a proud resident of Upham’s Corner. I also attended Bird Street Community Center as a youth. I have a Studio Space at a Historic residence named Humphrey Street Studios.

I love Upham’s Corner for its diversity, I love that I have made friends and have stories in Upham’s Corner. Upham’s Corner is a vibrant, changing community and I also love that we have a theatre at the center of Upham’s Corner. Upham’s Corner is full of art & culture.

4. What is your experience with Dorchester Bay and why is it an important organization?

My experience with Dorchester Bay has been fruitful over the recent years, the staff there are very kind and helpful. I have utilized resources learning business information and joining workshops. I am very happy to share the resources at Dorchester Bay. Dorchester Bay & their community engagement efforts have made a major difference in our landscapes and community values. Dorchester Bay is historically a place I cherish because of their direct support to the community. Dorchester Bay is an important organization because every community needs resources and protocol to build economic value and information to advance and sustain their environments, families and communities.

5. What are you excited about for the future?

The future holds our dreams and with our imaginations we can begin to plan a reality that reflects our investments and supports our vision. I am looking forward to more opportunities to open for people to take pride in their environments and invest in the things they truly want to live by and utilize.

I am excited to continue my journey. I am turning my passion into a career and encouraging artists, youth and individuals like myself, to nurture and plant their seeds for growth and advancement.

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