
Healey-Driscoll Administration Awards the Boston Workforce & Reentry Coalition $407,377

Boston Workforce & Reentry Coalition’s project will create a comprehensive onramp for socially and economically disadvantaged residents and returning citizens in Boston’s most underserved neighborhoods so that they can create a gratifying, economically viable, and socially constructive life. Coalition partners Project Place, Tufts MyTERN program, Charlestown Adult Education, and MassHIRE Downtown Boston Career Center/Jewish Vocational Services will work together to create a comprehensive service inventory and inter-agency referral outreach system. Partners will deliver direct services to 592 Boston residents and returning citizens who will receive pre-to-post employment counseling and social, public, and mental health resources and 447 citizens who will participate in training programs to increase growing industry job-qualifying skills.

Read more: Healey-Driscoll Administration Awards $15 Million in Grants to 67 Non-Profits to Increase Economic Opportunity in Communities Across Massachusetts |
